Installing and using iperf3

What is iperf3?

iperf3 is tool to perform bandwith measurements on a network; you will need to run it on two computers, on the same or different networks.

iperf3 runs on Linux, MacOS and BSD systems, MS Windows is not officialy supported.

Installing iperf3 from source

If there is no binary package available for your system (or if that package is not recent enough) you can build the application from its source code.

Process Summary

  1. Download the source code
  2. Uncompress the archive file
  3. Configure the build
  4. Compile the application
  5. Install iperf3 on your system

Detailled Process

Download the file from the following address:

Uncompress the archive: tar xvfz iperf-3-current.tar.gz

Configure the build: cd iperf-3.10/ && ./configure

Compile the application: make

Install iperf3 on your system (this does requires administrative privileges): make install

Running iperf3

You need to have one instance of iperf3 running in server mode, and another one in client mode, connecting to the server.

Here are the options that you will need for each instance:

Server SideClient Side
iperf3 -s -p 5002iperf3 -c

Server and client options